Place: Haus der Architecture in Graz, Austria
Date: 7 May, 2015
Exhibited pieces: “Voting Station”, “Card Game”, “Breathalyzer”, “Windows”, “Entrance”, “In and Out Projection, “Concept Bar” and “Improvisatory Performance”.
Description: Desaturated is an artistic event inspired by elective process in democratic countries, and aims to express our interpretation of the process in multi-sensory form of arts. This event therefore consists of a voting station, to which visitors are encouraged to vote for either black or white, as its core element. The result of voting affects other componential pieces exhibited in this event such as installations, games and an improvisatory performance. There are, in total, 7 components; a voting station, a card game, a breathalyzer installation, a twister, an entrance projection, a conceptualised bar and an improvisatory performance.